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My Journey

Hello, my name is Tully and I am a breast cancer survivor.


If anyone had told me early in life I would get cancer, not once, but twice,

I may have laughed at them. 


But here I am.

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A picture of Tully

My Story

Ask me today and every day from here forward if I have had a good life.....and every single time I will tell you, not only good, but brilliant. Have I had it tough? Absolutely. But so have most people. But I am here, alive and thriving, hence there is so much to be grateful for.


My story started in 2011. This was the year my amazing mom got sick and passed away of lung cancer at just 65. Her loss took an enormous toll on me. I was crushed mentally and starting to feel sick physically. I had no choice but to keep it together as my partner and I at the time were self employed running two thriving businesses with two preteens at home.


Then 2012 arrived. A visit to a cardiologist who was exploring my heart symptoms suggested an ultrasound of my thyroid to rule anything out as a contributing factor to my heart issues. That was when they found the nodule. It was small, so the consensus was a watch and wait approach. Another year passed and I underwent another screening ultrasound, but the news was not good. My nodule had grown. I made the decision to have my left thyroid removed with the hopes of not having to do any adjuvant treatment. Thankfully the surgical report came back stating they got good margins, and my doctors felt it was okay to move on with my life.


Then my dad's prostate cancer began to metastasize into his bones and lymphatic system, causing him severe lymphedema. After months of care in hospice, Christmas 2014, we said good bye to great man. Once again I dropped to my knees, devastated, feeling like I was suddenly orphaned. But we move on, we have no choice, or at least I did not. So move on I did, until 2016.


It was end of November 2015. I was away on vacation with my partner at the time, when suddenly he could not hug me anymore, my breast pain was so bad. A year earlier I had found a lump on my left side and the doctor felt I was so young and that because the lump was painful, it could not be cancer. In early 2016, I insisted on an ultrasound and forced my way into a mammogram. The reports were conflicting. I knew it was bad. I was then sent for a biopsy which yielded a definitive answer. I heard those words no one wants to hear, for a second time, you have cancer. 


2016 was the year I fought the hardest to be alive. I had to do chemotherapy first to shrink the tumor as it had now grown to 10 x 4 x 4cm., very large. Once the tumor was 75% reduced, I had a double radical mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction and axillary node dissection. This was followed by 6 weeks of radiation and 10 years of hormone therapy on Tamoxifen. A year later, I had revision surgery to make my breasts more symmetrical. And a year after that I had both breasts completely tattooed in peonies and petals.


I am a fighter. When forced to stare down the barrel of the gun not knowing if it is your time yet, you FIGHT. 

And fight I did.


Fast forward to the present day, I relocated from Ontario to beautiful Nova Scotia. My marriage of 23 years fell apart and we parted ways. I gave up my lovely house and two amazing Aussies. I have two children, both independent women now and living nearby. I love them dearly.


This new venture is part of my evolving story. It feels good. It feels like really good timing. It keeps me inspired, keeps my creative juices flowing, allows me to be still, introspective, allows me to get out in nature where I am the happiest. I chase the sun, I will forever do so.


My hope for the future is to be able to give back. I would love to collect enough money through donation or proceeds of my sales, to be able to treat a woman currently going through breast cancer to a new outfit, in the hopes to brighten her day, make her feel special and inspire her to keep fighting. In her new outfit I would love to take her out for dinner and talk about all the amazing things she has yet to do with her life. So please help support me, as I help to support them.


Yours in health and  happiness, 


Tully sitting with dogs during her chemo treatment

Mid way through chemo

Tully standing outside during chemo treatment

Mid way through chemo

Mid way through chemo

Tully boxing

Pre mastectomy photo shoot with James Dean

Tully before her mastectomy

Evening before my mastectomy

Tully before her mastectomy
Tully posing nude behind a paddleboard

Nude pose to advertise and raise money for the day hospiceI gained support from. We donated a SUP Package to raffle for money.

Tully ringing the bell

Ringing the chemo bell

Tully ringing the bell

Ringing the radiation bell

Tully after surgery in a dance class

Sexy dance classes at Allure to boost my confidence


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities to sell my creations be it a Boutique, small shop or market. I am open to helping out with fundraisers!

Let's connect!!

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